Inner Talk, Intuition + Dream Guides
Let’s Journal + Activate Your
Well of Dreams Chakra!
Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream, Merrily Merrily, Merrily, Life Is But A Dream…
Big Lucid Dreamer ? How To Use Your Dream Journal For The Best Decoding! Activate Your Well of Dreams, the 8th Chakra, with Dream Journaling.
Your Inner Talk and Your Alternate Realities + Your Dream World are speaking to you everyday. Your inner talk can open your world of dreamtime or close it up.
Dream journaling is another way to confirm your intuition, receive dreamtime messages and more. This is perfect for beginners or practiced dreamers. This journal is designed to see the commonalities, frequency, types of dream messages and more.
Your Dream World Is An Information Mecca. Your 8th Chakra is the Well of Dreams (Dream Insights + Clarity), is connected to your Intuition + psychic abilities, higher consciousness, Healing + Transformations, Spiritual Awakenings, Enhanced Creativity and Inspiration.
Your dreams are always conveying information to you. What the information means is part of the fun or the frustration of decoding.
What are your dreams telling you? Are you working through your insecurities or forecasting what is to come?
Get to know yourself better by understanding your dreams and decode these messages from your subconscious and your cosmic team.
Download FREE DREAM PREP Instructions
Here are a few videos I created to get you started, curious and ready to buy your Dream Journal and sign up for the Online Dream Class waitlist!