Unleash Your Modern Day Goddess
Whatever it is, however you hear the call, your soul is dropping you clues + urges, and is guiding you to draw upon your natural lineage gifts.
This is Your Personal Healing Retreat
This is where you get to bathe your soul in being cared for while your
heart gets clear on what is being asked of you and what is asking to emerge.
Women are hearing the call to be activated. Right now this call is louder than ever. All women are answering everywhere across the globe. The rise of the healthy empowered feminine has many faces and many roles. You role is vital to the wellness of the whole.
There is a pull towards healing and action as we are being asked to heal + step into our gifts. The more you remember who are, the more you will walk the planet with a frequency that will ripple and echo into the halls of time.
Unleash Your Modern Day Goddess is back and she's got a very different feel. You'll recognize her with your heart + souls template.
This Personal Healing Retreat will embody a variety of modalities:
♥ Channeled Sound Journeys
♥ Reiki
♥ Intuitive Archetype + Lineage Activations
♥ Soul Contract Relationships
♥ Cacao + Meditation
…and more.
♥ This is a 24 hour immersion experience in my home or yours.
♥ These are highly vetted, accepted only by conversation through Zoom first and application 2nd.
Reach out now to begin the process.
♥ Jules
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”