Hi beautiful heart,

I invite you to experience this wonderful New Earth Quantum Healing Activation. The New Earth Quantum Healing Activations assist us to expand into New Earth, living fifth dimensionally and beyond. New Earth is a state of higher dimensional consciousness as well as a very physical reality that we experience by becoming our Light Body, our Soul Body, through the process of Soul embodiment.

Essentially, we ascend our human/ego aspects and descend our Soul aspects into form, to become our Light Body. We ascend our bodies and consciousness through raising our frequency and vibration and releasing the density within, whilst simultaneously descending our multidimensional Selves, and Galactic Selves, which are our Higher Selves and Future Selves into our physical bodies.

In this Galactic DNA Activation and Photonic Chambers of Light session, your Galactic Selves come forward to merge with you and place you in various Photonic Chambers of Light. These powerful and transforming Photonic Chambers are Healing Chambers created through the advanced technologies of the Galactics. The Photonic Healing Chambers form three-dimensional rectangular laser light grids around the body and energy field, with particular sacred geometries, sound and color frequencies whilst transmitting Photonic Light frequency codes

Additionally, you experience the activation of the axiatonal lines, fire letters, the Galactic DNA Codes of Light and the merging and integration of your Christed ET Selves as our cells become energy and Light. The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to potentially create the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body to experience and become the Light Body.

Photonic Light is what we experience as our Soul embodies, as we clear density and expand from Starseed to Soulseed to Star Being and then Source Light. Essentially, we become Photonic Light, as we shift our carbon-based cells/realities to silica then Crystalline than Photonic Light as our “Quantum Light Body Awakens”. With this Soul embodiment ascension process, our physical bodies evolve into oscillating Light frequencies, with each level of our Light Quotient dictating a particular level of Quantum Consciousness. In this process all new realities are created from within by expanding beyond the old through the radiance of our cells (selves) and into new levels and dimensions of be-ingness (and do-ingness).

Primarily though, in functioning as Light and embodying Photonic Light, where our physical body works with us, and for us, we hold all as pure Love from deep within. For it is the ability to maintain an open heart, no matter what is being experienced within our realities, that determines the frequency and vibration of our physical bodies, and with this, our level of well-being through our ability to “let go and let God”.

What prevents us from fully embodying our Soul Light (Photonic Light) is the holding on to the old stories, attachments, false beliefs and judgments and this is where these beautiful and powerful Galactic DNA Activations and Photonic Chambers of Light can assist.

In this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, the Galactics that step forward to assist you in these Photonic Healing Light Chambers are the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Venusian Emissaries of the Light and the Lyrian Celestial Beings of Light from On High.

How these Galactic DNA Activation and Photonic Chambers of Light work is that I will team up with these Galactic Beings to bring through these Photonic Chambers of Light. You then merge with your Galactic Higher Self aspects through the Overlighting of these Light Beings as you experience the related Photonic Healing Chamber of Light through your Higher Self aspects. 

I invite you to experience the following Galactic DNA Activation and Photonic Chambers of Light:

Purification and Detoxification Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This is a very deep Photonic Healing Chamber that will release much density within the body and energy field including Addiction with Diamond White Light and the Flame of Purity. It further activates the fifth dimensional gamma hertz healing frequencies of between 40hz-100hz.

Pleiadian Self Love Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This is a beautiful Green Flame, soft and gentle healing frequency that keeps the heart open to greater levels of Self Love, Self-Nurturing and Self Appreciation, primarily experienced through the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. It dissolves lesser than and better than consciousness, fear, grief and anxiety as we expand beyond the old.

Sirian Higher Self Empowerment Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This powerful Photonic Healing Chamber of Light is a Blue Gold Flame and takes you into merging and integrating your Sirian Higher Self for greater levels of will and power and consciousness expansion. With this, you release anger, separation, and perceived helplessness, and/or victim/persecutor consciousness as you experience new levels of communication, expression and empowerment.

Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This Photonic Healing Chamber is a powerful Red Orange Flame with Rainbow Hues that spirals up and down your lower chakras and into each cell holding false beliefs around “abundance consciousness” whilst shifting you into new ways of being and doing through the Flames of Abundance.

Vaccination, Toxic Energies and Shedding Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This is a powerful Rainbow Light Flame with Golden Frequencies that assists you in the effects of vaccinations and shedding from being around those that are vaccinated. It works through the blood, muscles and nervous system to spin the sub-atomic particles in crystalline frequencies whilst releasing fear, dis-comfort and the effects of vaccines.

Joyful Sirian Dolphin Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This is a beautiful Photonic Healing Chamber of Light that brings greater levels of joy and innocence into your Life whilst releasing grief, judgment and blame.

Pet Soul Aspects Merging Photonic Healing Chamber of Light

This is a beautiful Photonic Healing Chamber of Light that merges all the Soul aspects of your pets through the various timelines. Mostly, each pet you have has experienced many lifetimes as other animals, birds, dragons, cats, dogs and so on, and in this Photonic Healing Chamber, these Soul aspects of Devic Intelligence merge into this Now, giving a much greater sense of Self and Presence to your pets.

With each Photonic Light Chamber, you will additionally experience a Galactic DNA Activation as well as the activation of the Fire Letters, Key Codes and Axiatonal Lines.

The New Earth Quantum Healing Activations has been created by Anrita Melchizedek and as a New Earth Quantum Healer, I invite you to experience this beautiful one-on-one Quantum Healing Session with me.

This New Earth Quantum Healing Activation will assist you to:

  • Collapse and dissolve old timelines, emotional blocks, false beliefs and judgments as you exit Old Earth

  • Stabilize your frequency to the vibration of New Earth and merge with and integrate more deeply your Soul Light and Galactic Aspects

  • Express all from the Loving Heart

  • Deepen into the Quantum Field and ability to draw to you all you need in each Now moment

  • Experience all that is Soul aligned to your Universe

  • Release Fear and Grief and Pain

  • Experience a deep sense of Well-Being and Vibrant Health

  • Re-Write, Recode and expand your Consciousness through the Heart of Love





New Earth Practitioner