I Think My First Mattress Topper Is Making Me Sick!
I was at my parents house in October of 2015 and slept in the guest bedroom on a dreamy mattress that allowed me to sleep divinely with virtually no shoulder/neck pain. I asked my mom about the mattress and she said it was a mattress topper to my surprise.
So, I came home and bought the same one with such happiness that I had finally found a solution to my aching shoulder/neck while sleeping. I tried two different kinds to compare. One had a far stronger chemical smell that never left even after I returned it and the other one had a mild smell, and notable, especially combined with the much stronger odor left behind and now permeating the new one. Yes, I allowed some gas-off time, but that should of been a warning to my dot connecting brain, but I was inspired by the thought of good sleep.
I’ve noticed progressively my chest beginning to feel like there was a brick sitting atop and just chalked it up to colder weather, dust in the air behind my house (lots of dusty construction going on), a little shortness of breath and a little cough here and there and signs of asthma symptoms progressing.
Last night around 11 I took a breath in and had the rattle of a lifetime in my chest, center, lungs. This morning the rattle was back and gave me the feeling as if the rattling was blocking my ability to take a full breath. Was it scary enough to get my full attention? Yes!
So like anyone, I began to do some digging this morning. A lot of digging and here is the common theme of what I’ve found.
Per an article from Hannah Wallace, writer for Mother Jones, “The place where you spend one-third of your life is chock-full of synthetic materials, some potentially toxic. Since the mid- to late ’60s, most mattresses have been made of polyurethane foam, a petroleum-based material that emits volatile organic compounds that can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. Formaldehyde, which is used to make one of the adhesives that hold mattresses together, has been linked to asthma, allergies, and lung, nose, and throat cancers. And then there are cotton pesticides and flame-retardant chemicals, which can cause cancer and nervous-system disorders. In 2005, Walter Bader, owner of the “green mattress” company Lifekind and author of the book Toxic Bedrooms, sent several mattresses to an Atlanta-based lab. A memory-foam model was found to emit 61 chemicals, including the carcinogens benzene and naphthalene.”
This article is from 2008 and is just one of the many I found during my early morning search. Peoples testimonials are ranging far back to current dates regarding their lung health, headaches, allergies, dizziness, nausea, memory loss and a whole host of others complaints, that were stated arrived only after they got their mattress topper or memory foam pillows. Do the research yourself. I typed into Google the words, chemicals in mattress toppers and lung issues from mattress toppers. As someone who researches and looks up information left and right for everyone in my life, (clients, family, friends, pets, strangers) it’s amazing I didn’t do my due diligence prior for this investment. I was lulled in by the possibility of dreamy sleep with a full nights sleep, no pain, and a snuggly bed.
I’ll be sleeping in the guest bed until I can get this smell out of my room, my bedding (that may end up being a small investment too) clearly getting rid of this topper and it’s so toxic I cannot give it to anyone else in good conscience however, I will go back to the manufacturer and see If I can get my money back.
Much Love and Do Your Research!
Jules xo
Nourish . Release Stress . Live Empowered