Soul, Rumi, Mystic & Love
Who was Rumi and why should we take to heart what he offers in words?
Rumi was a Passionate, Persian, Mystic and Theologian who in the 13th Century (Medieval times) spoke words of his love of God and the distance between them. His writings have been translated through time and are considered spiritual and poetic throughout the world as he speaks the language of love.
When you lose all sense of self
the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish.
Lose yourself completely,
return to the root of the root
of your own soul ~
His poems not only can be related to ones relationship with God, Spirit, Source, whatever you choose or not choose to personalize, but his words are works that speak to the heart of man. They are words of longing for your love, for your souls fire and words to express how deeply your passions entwine with another.
The reason I am posting this is because I believe we are longing to belong in the arms of a beloved, to ourselves. Whether it be spiritual, physical world, or self fulfilled, we are longing to be deeply loved and the first step to loving another person or spirit or God, or whatever you feel, is knowing that we can love ourselves deserving, without longing and suffering. To love ourselves in this way first, to know you are enough and to focus on your loving aspects and what you have to offer can then become a beautiful marriage to Rumi’s words. Rumi’s words speak to each individual in a variety of ways and to apply such loving letters to yourself is to know you are embraced by love all around you. Your beloved is you and all that you are. Your beloved is your faith. Your beloved is your family. Your beloved are your friends, all humans, animals, nature, earth, sky, north, south, east, west. Your beloved is that which is to be-loved by your hearts deepest desires, your soul.
*Self Care Mantra – I will Be-Loved from myself, as I am Love*
xo Jules