Why Your Pet is Good For Your Soul xo

(I wrote this in 2015, after moving from one city, hours aways, to another)

I caught myself saying this to my Dog one day, “you’re not my boyfriend, you’re my Dog” as he licked my face while I was looking for food on the bottom shelf in the pantry.

This adorable little guy is good for my soul

What does that mean exactly you ask?  I don’t know really.  It made me think.  I guess it means that he fills a need for expression.  It means that my  generously loving and loyal dog that follows me around, protects me, listens to all woes, all my happy moments, shares in movie watching, music listening and sing alongs, hears every conversation I have on the phone, seems to enjoy everything I cook and loves to walk, likes to see some people, recluse it up a bit, sits quietly while I pretend I’m OK at expressing some form of artistic styling known as Art that perhaps a 1st grader painted, is lonely when I leave the house, always happy to see me when I get back, couldn’t eat dinner without me, enjoys when I have women friends over but not men so much, loves when I pet him, when I give him Reiki and loves when I kiss his furry little skull.  He could be my boyfriend, but the co-dependent type that’s hard to say no to because he so cute, hogs the bed with cuteness and really is a sweetheart. But he’s also jealous of my time, high maintenance and it’s often like caring for a toddler. (Maybe a slightly unhealthy boyfriend)

There are circumstances when the affection of an animal saves peoples spirits and keeps them from feeling too lonely, depressed and they provide many with comfort and someone to talk with and have as a presence around their home. Elderly people often have pets just for that reason. A dog or cat for that matter, although far more independent and borderline snobbish, while they are no replacement for human affection for more than 5 obvious reasons, must be celebrated! Our furry, unconditional loving companions are like children who need caring and nurturing and love to thrive.  We as humans, love to love.

So Cheers and Blessings all day long to these warm and loving friends.

xo Jules


Afternoon Chia Delight!


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