Listen, Envision, Evolve
1:1 coaching commitment.
Your inner talk is either supporting you + your natural intuitive abilities or sabotaging it.
Think about how many times you've been flying high on a Modern Day Goddess mode only to have your back-reel voice come in and steal your confidence and thunder.
Your intuition + dream were guiding you in a direction, choice, situation, circumstance and then, enter, your deeply conditioned thoughts. SABOTAGE! Regret, should haves, why didn't I, and all the things we say to ourselves steps in and makes us feel like we are stuck in the mud, in freeze mode.
All of your excitement and motivation to make lasting changes, choose a new direction, take chances, get healthier, become an improved or a truer version of you and so on, ends up getting buried back in the "I can't" file, or the "I'm not good enough" or "I feel like I'm stuck in mud and can't make decisions" and so on.
Remember, the mud is where the Lotus lives, in addition to the fact that mud draws out toxins as well. Mud (feeling stuck) can be a great place to begin getting clear. To cleanse.
You will learn a system that reveals layer by layer how to stop the self sabotage, reprogram your inner conversations, understand your dream messages, fire up and tune into your intuition + inner power.
This will link you to knowing and listening to what's true for you, and act upon what you envision without sabotaging yourself while in learning + self discovery mode.
You will go step by step with Coaching that is tailor made for your Heart + Souls Map.
You will naturally begin to wake your souls inner power as you evolve.
1:1 Coaching
Everything is connected and you are too! Your Whole Soul Wellness is vital to your overall wellbeing!