This Is Your Invitation to: (keep scrolling to schedule our call)


★ Wake Your Soul 

★ Ignite Your Inner Power 

★ Listen, Envision, Evolve

★ Understand Your Intuitive Language + Dream Sourced Messages 

★Take  Command of your Life

★ Stop Talking Bad About Yourself, To Yourself

★ Choose Self Love

★ Expand Your Inner & Outer Connectedness

★ Improve Relationship with Yourself + Others, Better Outlook, Build Confidence, and Abilities

★ Increase Your Understanding of Self, Others, Archetypes and More


Our Commitment:

  • Weekly 1:1 Zoom Calls that will focus on stoking your Personal & Spiritual Evolution Goals

  • Weekly Evolution assignments that support your weekly Zoom Calls

  • Weekly email support


Your Why:

  • If you don’t take your personal + spiritual power back, and light your inner Fire, when will you?

  • I help you connect the dots to embody forward thinking and take action on your sacred personalized journey.

  • Are you actually willing to let another day go by without listening to this call? The call that whispers to your soul and aches to be heard, “ I desire to feel happy, I desire my life to be more aligned with what I love, I miss my my voice and I desire to start following my intuition. SAY IT ALOUD ~ I am so ready to step into my incredible intuitive abilities, embody joy, intuitively align myself with lineages of wisdom, walk confidently, use my dreamtime to heal + receive source guided messages, stop sabotaging myself, and bring in my innate highest self to take back my personal power”!


This Is Right For You When:

  • You know if you would of listened to your Intuition, you'd have a different outcome, experience or desired result.

  • You know your years of experience and wisdom have to mean something

  • You can’t quite find your voice and/or you’ve forgotten who you are?

  • Your light has been feeling dimmed by life experiences and don’t seem to be able to reignite your inner spark.

  • You can feel a version of you that is strong, power-full, wise, intuitive, witchy or magical and would like help accessing that energy.

  • You repeat the same patterns in relationships, work, home life and you know  somethings gotta change and it’s you.

  • You function on automatic without ever developing a system of care for yourself and your needs.

  • You know there is more than what is seen with the naked eye in this world (dimensions, spirits, clairvoyant tendencies, dream messages, you feel everything, spiritually curious, and so on)

  • You know if you could stop sabotaging yourself with depreciating self talk, feeling too afraid to make choices, you will set yourself free from the inside out

  • You do not regulate your emotions and you’re at your capacity with stress often.

  • Your dreams reflect your busy mind and you can't recall what your dreams were or would like to have intention with dreamtime.

  • You’d like to learn how to hear your intuitive voice and learn your own intuition style.

  • You’ve compromised pieces of who you really are for others because you were afraid to let your true self be seen.





★ Lets restore your magical self and fill up your wellspring of personal power! ★