What Are Chakras +
The Subtle Body Energy System
What are Chakras?
Chakras are non-physical organs that transform raw Kundalini energy into more subtle, and useable, forms of energy, of a different type. The chakras do not, themselves, contain energy. Raw energy is drawn up from the planet, by the minor chakras in the legs and feet, and fed into the main chakra system.
Kundalini energy is, in essence, pure thought energy that permeates and binds the universe together. This living energy field can be tapped, more deeply, by the application of focused, creative will. It can be drawn into the human body and transformed, by the chakra system, into a more subtle and useable form of energy.
The chakras are attached to the spinal cord and nervous system via certain glands and nerve ganglia. The full chakra system is extremely complex. There are 3 master, 4 major and over 300 minor chakras in the human body. There are also several non-physical chakras situated outside of the body. Detailed maps of the chakra system and their connecting meridians and pathways have been used for thousands of years in Eastern mysticism and medicine, i.e., acupuncture. The chakra system is used with every psychic ability, no exceptions. Whatever the psychic ability, the method of development or the terminology used to describe it, it is all done the same way, through chakra stimulation. It is impossible to manifest any psychic ability without first stimulating the chakras.
Many people will deny this, above, and claim they have never done any chakra, energy work, but still have psychic abilities. There are many ways to develop you, agreed, but they all, directly or indirectly, stimulate the chakra system. And let's not forget natural ability. Many people are born with naturally active chakras and hence, natural psychic ability.
Mediums are people who exhibit psychic abilities when aided by a nonphysical spirit entity. This entity stimulates the chakras of the medium directly, by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channeling, healing, production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium. This is why they are called Mediums or channels, i.e., they have the ability to become a passive vehicle for a spirit entity to affect, or communicate with, the physical world.
You do not need a spirit entity to develop and use a psychic ability. If you learn to control your own chakras and energy, you can do these things on your own, with no spirit entity involved, and without the inherent risk involved with that method.
Author: Gordon
What Is Subtle Body Energy?
Subtle body energy is like an invisible force that flows through and around your body, similar to electricity running through wires. It's part of your overall energy system that helps keep you physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. When this energy flows smoothly, you feel balanced and well, but if it's blocked or out of balance, it can affect how you feel and function. Think of it as your body's own natural energy network that supports your well-being.
Subtle body energy pathways are like invisible roads or channels in your body that carry your life force energy, similar to how blood vessels carry blood. These pathways help energy move to different parts of your body, keeping you healthy and balanced. When these roads are clear, energy flows smoothly, but if they get blocked, you might feel tired or unwell. Practices like yoga and acupuncture help keep these energy pathways open and flowing properly.
Cyndi Dale states, “There are 100’s if not thousands of subtle energy fields. The primary fields generated by the body include the auric field, the morphological field, and the L- and the T-fields. In addition by earths geofields as well as by the greater universal light field.”
I love Cyndi’s brief definitions.
Human Energy Field is primarily - is primarily composed of the aura, a set of energy bands that graduate in frequency + color as they move outward from the body. Each of the auric fields opens to different energy planes and energy bodies and also partners with a chakra, thus exchanging information between the worlds outside and inside of the body.
Morphological Fields - allow exchange between like-minded species and transfer information from one generation to another. These penetrate the aura as well as the electrical system of the body.
Geofields - acts upon all living organisims, as do energies from outside the earth.
The Universal Light Field - called a “zero point field”, consists of photons or units of light that regulate every living thing. Our DNA is made of light, we are surrounded in field of light, thus the microcosm and macrocosm dance together.
L-fields + T-fields - are subtle electrical and thought fields, which are acted upon by electrical and magnetic energies. These fields compose the undetected aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Also, An example of Subtle Body Energy could be this
Have you ever felt really good and full of energy after a walk in nature or a yoga session? That’s subtle body energy at work. When your energy flows well, you feel refreshed, calm, and balanced. Conversely, if you’ve ever felt drained or off after a stressful day, it’s because your subtle body energy might be blocked or imbalanced. These everyday feelings of wellness or fatigue are influenced by the flow of your subtle body energy.